Sugaring Factory


How to increase comfort of your work with sugaring

How to increase comfort of your work with sugaring

Many practitioners complain that their hands and back hurt by the end of the working day. It gets hard to work for beginners after just a couple of clients. What to do to feel less tired during work?

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What is not recommended to do after sugaring?

What is not recommended to do after sugaring?

With improper care after sugaring you might get skin irritation, inflammation and pimples. To avoid this, you must follow certain rules. There are certain limitations that should be observed after the procedure. What is not recommended within 1-3 days after the procedure? Let’s see.

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How to warm up the sugaring paste ?

How to warm up the sugaring paste ?

To get perfect results from sugaring, you need to warm up the paste correctly. The paste must become soft and plastic to grab all the hairs. But if it is overheated, it will become liquid and will stick to your hands instead. The result of sugaring with such a paste will be disappointing.

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How to clean your skin after sugaring ?

How to clean your skin after sugaring ?

A removal of hair with its bulb causes micro injuries to the skin, the pores open, and all this can provoke inflammation. To avoid this, the skin needs to be cleansed daily.

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How to avoid bruising after sugaring?

How to avoid bruising after sugaring?

Sugaring is considered the gentlest method of epilation. But in rare cases side effects still occur. One of them is bruising. This frustrates not only the client, but also the practitioner. Why they appear, how to treat them and whether it is possible to avoid them at all, will be explained further.

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How to Epilate Your Skin After Suntanned: Important Tips

How to Epilate Your Skin After Suntanned: Important Tips

Your got an amazing sun tan after visiting resorts or a tanning salon. How to keep a tan as long as possible, especially if it's epilation time?

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Is it safe to do epilation of legs with varicose veins?

Is it safe to do epilation of legs with varicose veins?

For just every woman, having smooth skin on their legs is a desirable beauty goal. However, those afflicted with varicose veins, may address questions on any risks imaginable and hindrances on the thought of hair removal. Swollen and enlarged, varicose can cause pain and be visually unappealing. 

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How to care for skin after sugaring

How to care for skin after sugaring

After sugaring, the skin needs special care. What one shouldn’t do after the sugaring, how to properly care for the skin, what are the side effects and how to get rid of them at home – let’s see in details.

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What is “bloody dew” ?

What is “bloody dew” ?

In the process of sugaring or after the procedure, you can notice tiny droplets of blood on the skin. This is a serosanguinous fluid, coming from the places where hair was pulled out. This phenomenon is called a "blood dew". The name is scary. What is it, a complication or a side effect? How it appears, whether it can be avoided and how to deal with it - we will discuss it in details further.

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What Do You Need To Start Work As a Sugaring Master

What Do You Need To Start Work As a Sugaring Master

Sugaring is a suitable option for people with sensitive skin who are faced with all the disadvantages of waxing and other methods of removing unwanted hair. Sugaring is a complex cosmetic procedure that can be performed on any part of the body.

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It's impossible to become a professional without knowledge and experience

It's impossible to become a professional without knowledge and experience

At first glance, a sugaring procedure is simple and does not require special skills. But this is only at first glance. The final result depends on the correct hand positioning, paste kneading, speed of application and tearing the paste off. And the better the result of the procedure, the more customers you will have.

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Sugaring: business expenses

Sugaring: business expenses

Sugaring is a pretty new service in the beauty industry and a very profitable one, especially if you already own a Beauty Salon and you’re adding it as a new service. Then the costs are minimal: it is enough to pay for the training of a practitioner or to hire a trained professional.

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