The same procedure can cause a different level of pain. What does it depend on? It turns out that there are many factors. Let’s look at them.
Continue Reading →After epilation one can get ingrown hairs. What they are, how to avoid them, why they appear and what to do in this case, see below.
Continue Reading →Any girl dreams to keep the skin smooth after epilation for as long as possible. Usually the effect lasts two to three weeks, but it can be extended. There are three main ways to do this.
Continue Reading →At first glance epilation with wax and sugar paste has many similarities. Hairs in both cases are removed with their roots, the skin remains smooth for a long time and the actions of the practitioner are the same – application of the paste or wax, then tearing it off. But choosing between these methods, the main question people usually have is about the pain sensations. What is more painful: waxing or sugaring?
Continue Reading →Sugaring is a removal of unwanted hair with the help of the sugar paste. The paste is applied on the skin and is torn off together with the hair. The paste envelops each hair, penetrates into the pores and therefore the hair is removed together with its root.
Continue Reading →Although sugar depilation is known as one of the most effective techniques of hair removal, it is not always possible to perform it properly. As a result, the hairs are only partially removed and stubs remain after sugaring. The skin is not ideally smooth and the woman is disappointed in the technique.
Continue Reading →During sugaring, the client may feel pain. The practitioner’s task is to reduce it. To do so, so called "antistress" method is used.
Continue Reading →Where and when did hair removal first appear? Let us go back in history. For the first time, women began to remove unwanted hair in Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome.
Continue Reading →Hair is an integral part of our body, but not everyone thinks about their unique features. Here are interesting facts about hair!
Continue Reading →Many practitioners complain that their hands and back hurt by the end of the working day. It gets hard to work for beginners after just a couple of clients. What to do to feel less tired during work?
Continue Reading →With improper care after sugaring you might get skin irritation, inflammation and pimples. To avoid this, you must follow certain rules. There are certain limitations that should be observed after the procedure. What is not recommended within 1-3 days after the procedure? Let’s see.
Continue Reading →To get perfect results from sugaring, you need to warm up the paste correctly. The paste must become soft and plastic to grab all the hairs. But if it is overheated, it will become liquid and will stick to your hands instead. The result of sugaring with such a paste will be disappointing.
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