Do I need to learn?
At first glance, a sugaring procedure is simple and does not require special skills. But this is only at first glance. The final result depends on the correct hand positioning, paste kneading, speed of application and tearing the paste off. And the better the result of the procedure, the more customers you will have.
How to learn sugaring?
If you want to do sugaring professionally you will have to learn it. But the question arises, how to master this skill? The least expensive method of learning is self-tuition by using videos and articles on the Internet. After that you can practice sugaring on yourself, your friends, gaining experience by trials and errors, and usually get frustrated because not everything goes smoothly at first. Eventually you will either master the art of it or decide that this is not for you.
But you can always turn to professionals. Under the close supervision of a teacher, you will learn how to apply the paste correctly and learn the right hand positioning, get a lot of useful information about the peculiarities of this procedure and hair structure, adopt the best practices. The training courses usually don’t last long. It’s important to practice and gain experience. Learn to apply pastes of different density, work with different skin areas. The more practice, the higher the skill.
Tips for choosing the sugaring courses
- Do not rely only on video lessons. No video will teach you how to position your hands, feel the right warmth of the material. And if you have any questions, there will be no one to answer them.
- When choosing courses, ask if the material is provided, whether there will be models for practicing.
- Do not cut corners on learning, attend refresher courses whenever possible. There you can learn about new techniques and secrets, exchange experiences with colleagues. If you always used a spatula to apply the paste, master the manual technique.
- Choose a training center with additional services – for example, with a week or two of practicing after the course, free consultation on issues that you face after training, etc.
- Beginners should start working with less sensitive areas, and only then move to the bikini or underarm ones.
During the training it is important to work closely with the teachers, repeat all their movements, identify the difficulties and ways to solve them on the spot.