Starter kit for sugaring: what to begin with?
Sugaring is a popular procedure, with a lot of benefits, for those who love smooth skin. Some of the main advantages are its simplicity and availability, which allows anyone to master it, and later gives you the possibility to develop a sugaring business of your own. The key for any sugaring, both professional or amateur, is not just using sugaring paste from a trusted manufacturer, but also other necessary accessories and tools. But where to begin? Let's see.
Sugaring for yourself
In order to better understand what a sugar epilation starter kit should consist of, we should check out all stages of the procedure:
- Preparation for the procedure, which includes skin cleaning and degreasing (the perfect solution is a hot shower that also opens skin pores) and disinfection.
For disinfection, which prevents the development of inflammations, you can use antiseptic lotion, special tonic, or at least wet wipes. After disinfecting the treated areas, you should apply cosmetic talc, which will absorb the rest of the moisture, and improve the effectiveness of the paste, thus increasing the chance of success for the procedure.
- Procedure. The main product that is used for sugaring is sugar paste. The reasons why you should not use a homemade paste can be read in this article.
When buying the paste for epilation, you should pay attention to its density. For the beginning specialist, the best match will be a paste of a medium density, which is very easy to use.
Additional accessories needed for the procedure are: spatula for applying the paste, gloves, and cloth stripes (not obligatory). You might also need a heater for jars, with a temperature regulator, that will provide convenient preparation of paste.
- After-sugaring skin treatment.
To avoid different side effects (redness, possible swelling) you should stock up on a special after-epilation product. Also, your starter kit may include (optional) products which slow down hair growth.
As you can see, completing a starter sugaring kit for sugaring at home is not hard at all. Also, manufacturers, willing to satisfy clients demands, offer already fully completed sets, including: several types of paste for epilation of different parts of the body, products preparing skin for the procedure, light water based emulsions and gels for after procedure treatment, and step by step sugaring instructions.
Starter kit for professional sugaring
After gaining some sugaring experience on yourself and your girlfriends, it's time to think about coming out on a professional level, especially because this business doesn't need startup capital.
A starter kit for professional sugaring doesn't have many differences from one for home sessions, even though it's a little bit more advanced.
To equip your work place, you will have to buy a comfortable folding massage table, as well as a cabinet or stand to store your sugaring products. It is possible that it will be cheaper to rent a room at the beauty salon.
For professional sugaring, you must have:
- antiseptic and anti inflammatory products;
- cosmetic talc. Read more about talc here: https://sugaringfactory.com/blog-of-sugaring-factory/4-reasons-to-use-talc-in-professional-sugaring;
- sugaring pastes of different densities for certain parts of the body (from ultra soft to the hardest one);
- water based (oil free) foams, gels, emulsions for after-procedure skin treatment;
- inhibitors, suppressing the hair growth.
A very important rule a beginning specialist should remember is to not purchase cheap materials. Buying quality products from trusted manufacturers will allow you to quickly master your skills in a short period of time, and win the trust of your clients. Quality products are your “face” and “name”. The trust of your clients depends not only on your skill, but also the cosmetic products that you use. Don't forget that using a quality brand helps build your reputation!